

由牧师. 史蒂夫Zank


It seems like every couple of years a new worship song reignites the debate over which songs are appropriate for congregational worship. 当然, 有几个被选中的人会出现在每个人的名单上, 比如《博彩平台推荐》等歌曲的辩论,“好啊,好爸爸。,或“不计后果的爱”似乎更为常见. While many of these disagreements are unavoidable and reflect clashing theological traditions, 还有另一种力量在教会中对歌曲的使用方式起作用.

即, 即使个人聚在一起表达他们对崇拜的共同信仰, 崇拜仍然是不同个体的表达

例如, while one congregant finds comfort in a God who “loves like a hurricane” another finds anger or confusion at the comparison having lived through a hurricane1. While one person finds the old English in a beloved hymn an important connection to the past, 另一种是理解意思和跟上节奏有困难. 用“鲁莽的爱”这首歌,” let’s explore this phenomenon and consider 3 different perspectives of meaning: (1) the songwriter’s, (2)文本的, (3)参与者的. 争议的核心是这首歌使用了“鲁莽”这个词:


1. 歌曲作者的意思是:

在接受《亚洲体育博彩平台》采访时 , “Reckless Love’s” lead songwriter Cory Asbury discussed his intention behind the use of the word reckless:

... We’re going; “I’m completely against you” and He’s saying: “I don’t care. 我要追寻你的心,让你知道爱在十字架上是什么样子, 张开双臂, 在这个脆弱和痛苦的地方流血.他说,不,不管付出什么代价. 成本不重要. 当我们还是罪人的时候. 神不计后果的爱.2

Cory intended to use “reckless” to convey a kind of love that stopped at nothing to save us, 即使这需要为不值得的接受者付出高昂的代价.

2. 文章的意思是:

大多数人永远不会意识到歌曲作者的意图, and while the context of the chorus gives “reckless” the meaning of pursuit at great cost, 一些人一开始并不清楚这种鲁莽行为是深思熟虑的还是轻率的. This is the point at which people diverge into two camps: those that interpret “reckless” as “欠考虑的,,并对这首歌不满意, 还有那些把"鲁莽"理解为"鲁莽放弃"的人,并从中找到福音的甜蜜.


首先让我们来探讨一下“粗心大意”的内涵. 这种观点反映在“鲁莽”的一些同义词上:粗心大意, 欠考虑的, 鲁莽的, 不明智的, 皮疹, 疏忽, 不顾别人的, 和漫不经心.3 韦氏词典将“鲁莽”定义为“缺乏适当的谨慎”, 不顾后果, 不负责任的.“上帝当然不能被比作鲁莽的司机. 耶稣在计算了代价之后顺服了天父的旨意. 这种爱迫使耶稣顺服至死, 甚至死在十字架上, 一种爱的特征是对他周围人的需要作出强烈的承诺吗. 你们以为我不能求我父吗, 他要立刻差遣十二营多的天使来? 若是这样,经上的话怎能应验,说事情必须如此呢?”4



现在我们来探讨一下“不计代价”行动的内涵.这种观点反映在“鲁莽”的其他同义词上:大胆的, 大胆的, 不考虑(不计成本). 韦氏词典不一定支持这个定义, 然而, more popular definitions might include something like this: “marked by defiant disregard for danger or consequences.”5 虽然这似乎偏离了“鲁莽”的词源, it nevertheless captures one of the more startling truths of the gospel — that Jesus went to Jerusalem knowing it would mean His crucifixion. There is an aspect of “reckless” that seems to express a very important doctrine of the redemption value (buy-back value) we have without Christ:

因为十字架的道理,在灭亡的人看为愚妄, 但在我们得救的人,却是神的大能. 因为经上记着, 我必灭绝智慧人的智慧, 聪明人的聪明,我必拦阻. 智慧人在哪里呢? 抄写员在哪里?? 这个时代的辩手在哪里? 神岂不是叫这世上的智慧变为愚拙吗? 对自, 以上帝的智慧, 世人不以智慧认识神, 这是神喜悦我们所传的愚妄,要救那相信的人.6

This latter view describes Jesus’ act of self-giving love as reckless from a human perspective of value, appropriating in the word what Luther describes as the great exchange: Jesus freely takes on that which is not His (sin) and gives us that which is not ours (righteousness).

3. 参与者的意思是:

The final wrench in the worship song debate is that most people will determine the meaning for themselves as the song engages them in their own circumstances and not in some in-depth word study. 这是理想的, 毕竟, 每个参与者都将敬拜音乐应用到自己的生活中, 但在这样做的过程中,意义的多样性得以发展. 让我们用两个假想的人的生活来进一步探讨这个问题.


莎莉最重要的人际关系是择优关系, 这导致了她生活中的起起落落. She was doubting her self-worth and then heard “Reckless Love” on the radio and was deeply touched that God would love her so unconditionally in Jesus. 她的“价值”与此无关! 她觉得自己很受欢迎, 争取, and loved — not on the basis of her achievements or looks but rather the work of Christ. 这首歌帮助她增强了自我价值感, and she would play it on repeat in her mind and in the car during her morning commute.


丹尼尔对他周围的事情有强烈的意见和深刻的思考. 逻辑和常识是他理解世界的透镜. 当他在集体敬拜中唱歌时,他也是通过同样的视角来看待它们的. 一个星期天,他的教堂献上了“鲁莽的爱”.” When he gets to the chorus he stops at the word “reckless,” unable to get his mind around it. 他想:“神的爱不是不计后果的! 我倚靠他的体贴、救恩计划和智慧! Jesus didn't go to the cross disregarding the consequence of death — He fully knew that His death would bring about the life of the world...” Left to his own imagination he is highly distracted and has a hard time reconnecting to the rest of the service.


The leader of congregational singing should ideally commit to four difficult practices: (1) seek feedback, (2)为了领导而调整个人偏好, (3)巧妙地阐明意思, (4)在歌曲的选择上努力启发整个教会.


不要等着会众里的人来接近你,去找他们! 你会发现反馈通常分为三类, 的爱好者, 和冷漠的人. 否定者几乎都是深思熟虑的人. 倾听他们! 给他们一个发声的机会,试着理解他们来自哪里. 热心人士天生就是鼓励人的, 在教会里,正确的鼓励总是需要的, 但要注意,不要让狂热者淹没了其他有益的声音. 感谢他们! 挑战他们! 冷漠的参与者可能并不总是这样. 对这些人要有耐心! Invite them into the process, and do not impose on them a need to deeply care for these things. It may be that they appear apathetic because they think that nobody in the church cares about their opinion anyway. 如果你关心,并且一直关心,这可能会随着时间的推移而改变.


It’s important to keep in mind that your own experience of a song is not what shapes the congregational experience. 而你必须从某个地方开始,才能成为领导者, 注意不要过于执着于自己的喜好, and remember that your goal is to plan liturgy and song that is meaningful for the people you serve.


If you decide that there is a compelling reason to use a “song with issues” in worship, you must first go through the task of redeeming it on behalf of those for whom it is a problem. Try being very intentional about its use and placement as to help bring the church to experience it the way you intend. This can be done implicitly through contextualization or explicitly through some kind of segue.


在敬拜中不使用某些歌曲是可以的——即使是流行歌曲. 在决定这个的时候, consider at what point you might be going too far to accommodate a song that does not belong in worship or might introduce unhealthy or even unbiblical ways of thinking. 只是有些歌永远不适合在敬拜中使用. 还要考虑这个决定的利害关系. 这仅仅是对措辞方式的偏好吗, 还是在传达上帝的特质? You should always take great care to make sure you are leading your congregation to sing and internalize what is true, but you also don’t want to be so particular and critical that you end up missing out on some challenging themes that may create teaching opportunities.


The leader of congregational singing takes on a difficult and meaningful role in the church. They hold the tension between: (1) the often mutually exclusive desires/interpretations of the congregation, (2)自己的喜好, (3)上级领导的指示, (4)其教派的教义标准. 有时,为了安抚一个群体,他们会令另一个群体感到震惊, 但正如他们的工作很困难一样, 这很重要,也很有意义. 让我们继续为彼此祈祷, 互相支持, and encourage one another as we continue to refine our own planning models to best edify the people and glorify God in our churches. 问一个事物的含义可能是一个比人们想象的更复杂的问题!

1 《亚洲体育博彩平台》,麦克米兰,约翰·马克. 2005
2 http://relevantmagazine.com/god/cory-asbury-reckless-love-the-sunday-staple-sweeping-the-nation-exerts-honesty
& power/(最后访问日期:2020-03-24)
3 同义词典.com
4 马修26:53-54
5 http://www.词汇表.http://www.dictionary/reckless(访问日期:20/3/20)
6 林前1:18-21(新译本)

标签: 部门的领导, 崇拜神学

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