


除了NTHL 101和NTHL 202, students may transfer all required pre-requisite units from any regionally accredited institution*. 在线 science classes that solely rely on virtual laboratories will not be accepted. However, online science classes that incorporate home-kit laboratories are acceptable.(有关当前异常,请参阅本页末尾).

Applicants may choose to complete prerequisite classes 在欧文的康考迪亚大学 as "non-degree seeking" students. These classes will be offered as undergraduate classes which will follow 欧文康考迪亚大学's catalog requirement and undergraduate's schedules. Non-degree seeking students are limited to twelve (12) units per semester.

View courses APPROVED by the Department of 护理 to satisfy ABSN prerequisites from several area California Community Colleges»

View Advanced Placement (AP) scores APPROVED by the Department of 护理 to satisfy ABSN prerequisites.



  • 课程
  • 43个单位
  • 化学**(含实验室)
  • 4

化学课程必须是大学水平的课程.e普通化学). 就是化学课 具体的 for allied health majors (pre-nursing, pre-medicine, pre-dentistry) is preferred. Preparatory Chemistry, Introduction to General Chemistry or Chemistry for non-science major 是不可接受的.

  • 人体解剖学**(含实验室)
  • 4

The course must be an Anatomy course with an emphasis on overall human organ systems. 不接受特定的解剖学课程.e. 骨骼及/或肌肉解剖).

  • 人体生理学**(含实验室)
  • 4

The course must be a Physiology course with an emphasis on overall human organ systems. 不接受特定生理学课程.e. 系统及/或骨骼生理学).

Human Anatomy and Human Physiology may be taken as combination courses that span over 2 semesters (i.e. A&p1和A&P 2). Total combination units for Anatomy and Physiology must be at least 8 units and completed at the same institution.

  • 微生物学**(含实验室)
  • 4

The course must cover all of the different organisms (viruses, bacteria, protozoa, etc). 不接受特定的微生物学课程.e. 细菌学、病毒学等).

  • 人类营养#
  • 3

The course must cover nutrients, diseases, dietary intake and health process. 属于体育课的营养课, 运动机能学, 和/或个人健康可能不被接受.

  • 统计学-数学
  • 3

A basic statistic course applicable to education, business, and the hard sciences. 主题必须包括描述性统计, 正常的, 二项, F-, 卡方分布和假设检验.

  • 普通心理学
  • 3

必须是入门或普通心理学课程. No upper division and/or 具体的 coursework will be accepted.

  • 生命发展心理学(生至死)
  • 3

This course must be a Psychology class that covers human development from Infancy through old age (death). Human development might be considered as a substitute if the course covered psychological development over the human lifespan. 不允许其他替换.

  • 口头沟通+ +
  • 3

人际沟通类优先考虑. 公开演讲课可以接受. 不接受代课和在线课程.e. life experience and/or courses in which speeches or presentations were given, etc. 小组沟通不是一门被接受的课程.

  • 书面交流
  • 3

大学或以上水平的写作可以接受. 如果学生把它作为AP课程, an official scores transcript from College Board must be submitted showing a score of 5 or higher.

  • 社会学概论 or 文化人类学
  • 3

Must be a general or introductory course that covers the broad subject of sociology or anthropology. 不接受高年级课程. Sociology and/or Anthropology course, which only cover 具体的 cultures/topic 是不可接受的.

  • NTHL 101:基督教神学基础+
  • 3

This course will study the source of Christian theology, namely the Holy Scriptures. Drawing upon the Scriptures as well as historical and doctrinal writings by Christian theologians, students will examine major teachings of the Christian faith with differing understandings of these teachings being explored when appropriate, enabling them to understand and articulate the basic tenets of Christianity.

  • NTHL 202:新约+
  • 3

Through an historical and literary survey of the New Testament, this course will emphasize theological themes and their relevance for Christian faith and life.


* Coursework will be evaluated for transferability at the time of application.

** Must be completed within 5 years of intended admission term.


+必须在康考迪亚大学欧文分校完成 接受ABSN项目. 100%在线提供.

++Small Group Communication is not an approved course for Oral Communication.

由于新冠肺炎疫情前所未有, the Department of 护理 has approved the following in regards to online science/communication classes:

  1. 在线 science (and labs) and/or communication classes completed in 2020年春季至2022年春季 会有例外 当地面实验室/课程无法使用时. 
  2. 在线 science and/or communication classes must be completed at regionally accredited colleges and/or universities.   
  3. Complete syllabus for the online science classes with labs, completed in 2020年春季至2022年春季, must be submitted at the time of application to the ABSN program.  
  4. 完成在线科学和/或通信课程 prior to the Spring 2020 semester and/or 后 the Spring 2022 semesterare not eligible for exceptions.
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